McAffee- Pay for a trojan?
If you installed software from McAfee in order to protect your computer from intrusions, it could be a bad move. Before considering activating of my copy of McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware 16.8 I read through the End User Agreement (you know that thing that thing that usually pops up prior to software being installed).
Now I won't activate my copy.
I've printscreened some of it below. Lets go through it.

By continuing, you comply to that McAffe can take basically what they want from your computer including other information such as your current physical position and then store it. And not only that, they may also forward it to any of their "Service providers". I'm not a lawyer but's such vague expression probably means that they in practice could forward collected information to anybody from the guy cleaning their offices to foreign governments.
The vague motivation is that it is for backup purposes. If people want to have something backed up online, they put selected files in an online backup by themselves right? Consider that you hired a security company to guard your house from intrusions. Would you like them to go in to your house without you letting you know it, take copies of all your photos, books, diaries, voice recordings and whatever information? And then letting them forward this to their "Service Providers", anywhere in the world? Isn't that the pure definition of irony, like trying to get dry by taking a bath?
Let's stop agreeing to terms like this.